What is return path & how it works

5 min readOct 26, 2020


The question is in the Return-path same as the sender’s email address?

For those seeking solutions, the email return path makes sense. A majority of corporate enterprises use the return path to stack thousands of bounce receipts that they have received from a certain email campaign meant to send emails to thousands of recipients. It is this stack of bunce receipts that are later analyzed to identify the issues and rectify so the mails can be re-sent with a necessary amendment.

Email communication is the most important channel of exchanging information these days. The pandemic and unrest across the globe has mandated billions of people to work from home, exchange mails and thus the return path indicates conversion and

What is Return-Path?

Has the thought ever crossed your mind as to what happens when the email fails to hit the intended mailbox? How does it know where to redirect? Who processes the code?

This is where Return-path comes in action in a secretive hidden manner. Indeed return path is a header code that informs the failed email how and where it needs to land next. Is this header code visible to the recipient? The answer is no.

An email header consists of two addresses or destination location. One the sender address that the recipient can read and see and the other a return path, which is not visible to the recipient. Simply the sender address bridges a connection between the sender and the recipient, the mailbox the sender wishes to reach, Contract to this the return path is not visible but it recognizes the delivery process which runs in the background and indicates the bounced mail the plan B delivery.

How does return-path work?

Why is the return-path used and who codes it?

Most of the email marketers and senders will incorporate the necessary identifiers rightly into the return-path address bus to facilitate managing the reply and bounce receipt this is also known as Variable Envelope Return-Path.

Can we customize return-path and bring it into line?

It is a general trend for companies to use the header which comprises of a tailor-made return-path and why they do so is very clear- they want email authentication and understand if the recipient’s mailbox filters emails based on certain criteria’s. The Most promising email authentication process called DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) was ideally conceived to prevent email deceiving and detain them. The vital task conducted by Domain-based message is used to check if the name of the sender is the same as the name in the return path.

It is however not mandatory to have the sender name and return-path name the same, email authenticators filter and checks several other factors as well to make the final decision for the overall process.

Will my chance of email delivery improve with a customized email return-path?

Well, the answer is might be. Every server we come across has a unique and distinctive way of construing the email address to establish authentication, the indications in your email message qualify the email better. The clearer it is easy it is to deliver.

How can we amend our email headers to improve deliver ratios?

Every mailbox owner witnesses a jargon of emails which increases the attach risks, hence all internet service providers tend to be more protective for their device, hence even authenticated and reputable emails fall prey to scrutiny processes.

What is important is to double-check the email headers and validate the return-path to get your emails a big go ahead.

However, having a clear defined return-path is vital for all email programs. It secures m safeguards sender’s details and location for processing the bounce receipt. To maintain your repute, you must ensure to have an organized return-path that will in the long term improve your email deliverability ratio.

Steps to set-up the return path

If you wish to modify or alter the return-path of your email, you have to undergo 3 procedure /simple steps:

All you require is conduct three simple procedures to initiate the redirection/return –path\

Procedure 1

Generate a sub-domain in your principle domain using the precede “mnp3”. For instance, imagine any domain name e.g. happyydomain.com, you will have to create a sub-domain mnp3.mydomain.com.

Procedure II

It is mandatory to access the Domain name system zone and build a [CNAME}, it is the abbreviated form and records, primarily used as an alias for a name.]

Any association or business hosting a site must have an Internet address to connect to the internet. The Domain name system resolute the name of your site to its Internet address, although sometimes many names resolve it in the same IP address, and this is where the CNAME is useful. The record that looks like this:

Mnp33.happydomain.com. IN CNAME mnp3.HandySends.com.

This will mean that your province mnp3.happydomain.com will now point to mnp3.HandySends.com. Consequently, each one will see mnp3.happydominio.com in the email header, but it will point to our mnp3.HandysSends…com and we will continue to receive bounce events and update your stats…

Procedure III

The concluding procedure is to connect to us [HandySends team} To apply, you can click access a permit with our technical team and share with us the information for us to activate your return-path.

  1. Trigger the API-key to initiate the return-path procedure
  2. The CNAME data you collected: share a screenshot or simple text version will do the job

One API key permits only one return –path.

Once the information and record are validated and verified, our team will notify you about the customized return-path we created and you will be all set to start.

Ways to customize your return-path

HandySends is known to have this feature of setting up an automatic return-path for our clients; it not only validates and boosts our delivery. Return-path offers secure, authenticated set up for a better experience.

Whilst you are all set to offer 100% deliverability to clients, make sure you have a clear –well-tested return-path, this will largely improve the email communication and deliverability




HandySends Established in 2000, we are a stable and trusted managed cloud hosting provider and data